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SigSuite Partners

For designers, marketers and Agencies that want to re-sell SigSuite and SigSuitePRO to their own clients. Remove all the stress of email signature coding, testing and installation.

sigsuite widget preview

SigSuite Partners

Earn 20% Commission on the lifetime of the accounts you refer to us. Get paid every time we do, when your clients add more users and upgrade their account.

SigSuite  Partners

Resell SigSuite and SigSuitePRO to your own IRL clients or by auto-pilot on your website. 


Install a widget (javascript) showcasing signature designs (yours, ours or a combination of both) on your own website. Let your website traffic instantly create their own signatures and start free trials.

IRL Clients

Send a private and securely hosted link to an IRL client with signature designs you have made just for them, in a beautifully presented way. They can customize the design for themselves, share it with their colleagues and start free trials.

We know you're going to love SigSuite Partners, launching 2023.

Our   Features

Privacy Guaranteed

End Users install signatures via Windows/Mac app, browser extension or directly in their email clients. HTML is never injected inflight, which means complete privacy of your team's emails. Your emails don't need to go through ours, or any other third-party's server.

Easy User Onboarding

Admins invite Signature Users via a unique and private URL link. Send it in an email or online, however you communicate with your team. When clicked, it adds the User to the Signature directly, or adds them to a Queue, to be processed, depending on the Account Holder's level of security settings in your account. 

Meet Timeplates

For big business, set and forget your yearly email signature marketing and let Timeplates do the work for you. Schedule and rotate email signature designs automatically for events, sales, holidays and more.

Multi-Company Roles

Add as many Companies and People across those Companies as you need. People can be assigned to different roles in the account from Account Holders, to Company and Location Admins, to End Users. Each role can complete different tasks and functions. Learn more about Roles.

Signature Data Profiles

Creating your corporate email signatures should be a team effort. Cut down your administration work and get your email signatures up and running quickly by inviting all your End Users to help you fill in the gaps. End Users login and update their own profile data, saving you time.

No Risk, Free 14 Day Trial

Create your company email signature from over 20 premade templates, with limited customization. Share it with up 5 of your colleagues. Try installing it all your favorite email clients. When you're ready to get started, access more customization options and the full features.

Our    Products

Business Meeting


For Teams that want premade signature designs up and running quickly and effortlessly, with the ability to do simple customizations, without any HTML coding knowledge.


For Teams that need all the features of SigSuite, plus full HTML coding control for more custom and complex signature designs. HTML knowledge required.

SigSuite Partners

For designers, marketers and Agencies that want to re-sell SigSuite and SigSuitePRO to their own clients. Remove all the stress of email signature coding, testing and installation.

You're here. Learn more above.

Email Signature Rescue

Don't need all the fancy features for Teams that SigSuite provides? Try Email Signature Rescue instead. Upgrade to SigSuite when the time comes.

Clients    already using our software include

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