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Writer's pictureAmy Lockwood

Everything you need to know about HTML email signatures

Updated: Jun 4, 2023

Mastering the Art of HTML Email Signatures: Elevate Your Digital Communication

In the realm of modern communication, where first impressions are formed within seconds, a well-crafted email signature has the power to leave a lasting impact. Gone are the days of plain text signatures—today, HTML email signatures have emerged as an indispensable tool for professionals and businesses alike. With their dynamic designs and customizable elements, HTML email signatures allow individuals and organizations to showcase their brand, enhance credibility, and provide essential contact information with flair.

html email signature template for restaurant

Image source: Email Signature Rescue

In this article, we delve into the world of HTML email signatures and explore the art of creating an impressive and effective signature that stands out from the crowd. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a corporate professional, or a freelancer, mastering the art of HTML email signatures will not only elevate your digital communication but also leave a positive impression on your recipients.

We will guide you through the key elements to consider when designing your signature, provide insights into best practices, and equip you with the tools to create a signature that captures attention and conveys professionalism. From incorporating eye-catching visuals to optimizing mobile responsiveness, we leave no stone unturned in our quest to help you create a signature that aligns with your personal or corporate brand.

So, whether you're a seasoned professional looking to revamp your signature or someone just starting on their digital communication journey, this article is your comprehensive guide to mastering HTML email signatures. Prepare to unlock the potential of your email communication and make a memorable impression with every message you send. Let's embark on this journey together and transform your digital presence, one signature at a time.

What is a HTML email signature?

A HTML email signature is a block of HTML code that is inserted at the end of an email message to provide additional information about the sender. It is commonly used in professional and business settings to include contact details, branding elements, and other relevant information.

Image source: Email Signature Rescue

HTML email signatures can be customized with various design elements such as images, logos, social media icons, hyperlinks, and formatted text. Unlike plain text signatures, HTML signatures allow for more creativity and flexibility in terms of design and layout.

When composing an email, the HTML code of the signature is inserted into the email's body or signature field. When the email is sent, the recipient's email client will interpret the HTML code and display the signature as intended, including any images or formatting.

HTML email signatures can be created manually by writing the HTML code directly or by using email signature generators or dedicated software. Many email clients and online email services also offer built-in tools or options to create and customize HTML signatures.


What are the benefits of including a HTML email signature in my emails?

Including a HTML email signature in all your emails can provide several benefits:


A HTML email signature adds a professional touch to your emails, presenting you or your organization in a polished and credible manner. It helps create a consistent and professional branding experience for recipients.

Contact Information

An email signature allows you to conveniently include essential contact information such as your name, job title, company name, phone number, email address, and website. This makes it easier for recipients to reach out to you and find more information about you or your business.

Branding and Marketing

A HTML email signature can incorporate your company's logo, brand colors, and other visual elements, reinforcing your brand identity with every email you send. It also provides an opportunity to include marketing banners, promotional messages, or social media icons, helping to increase brand visibility and engagement.

html email signature for app developer

Image source: Email Signature Rescue


Having a pre-designed email signature saves time and effort, as you don't have to manually type out your contact information and other details for every email. It becomes a consistent part of your email composition process, allowing you to focus on the actual content of your messages.

Legitimacy and Trust

A well-crafted email signature adds credibility and authenticity to your emails. It helps recipients verify your identity, especially when communicating with new or unfamiliar contacts. Including professional design elements and relevant credentials can further enhance trust and confidence in your communication.

Additional Information

In addition to contact details, an email signature can provide links to your social media profiles, blog, portfolio, or any other online presence that you want to promote. This can help recipients explore more about you or your business and stay connected beyond the email exchange.

Overall, a HTML email signature offers a professional and consistent representation of yourself or your organization, improves brand recognition, and enhances communication efficiency. It serves as a powerful marketing tool and contributes to building trust and credibility in your email communications.


What elements should I include in my HTML email signature design?

When deciding what to include in your HTML email signature, consider the following essential elements:

Name and Title

Start with your full name and your professional title or designation. This helps recipients quickly identify you and your role.

Contact Information

Include relevant contact information such as your email address, phone number, and physical address (if applicable). Providing multiple ways to reach you improves accessibility and convenience for recipients.

Five Email Signature Rescue templates
Email Signature Templates by Email Signature Rescue

Image source: Email Signature Rescue

Company Logo

Incorporate your company logo in the email signature to enhance brand recognition and reinforce your professional identity. Ensure the logo is properly sized and displays clearly.

Website and Social Media Links

Include a link to your company website or personal portfolio, allowing recipients to learn more about you or your business. If applicable, include links to your professional social media profiles (LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) to encourage further engagement and connections.

Call-to-Action (CTA)

Consider adding a CTA that directs recipients to take a specific action, such as scheduling a meeting, visiting a website, or downloading a resource. The CTA can be text-based or designed as a button.

Design and Formatting

Use appropriate fonts, colors, and formatting that align with your brand and create a visually appealing email signature. Ensure that the design is consistent and not overly cluttered, maintaining a clean and professional appearance.

Legal Disclaimers (if necessary)

Depending on your industry or jurisdiction, you may need to include legal disclaimers in your email signature, such as confidentiality notices or disclosure statements. Consult with your legal department or adhere to local regulations when including such disclaimers.

Image source: Email Signature Rescue

Certifications, Awards, or Achievements (optional)

If relevant to your profession or industry, you can consider including any certifications, awards, or notable achievements in your email signature. These can help establish credibility and showcase expertise.

Remember to balance the inclusion of elements to avoid an overly crowded or lengthy email signature. It's generally recommended to keep the design clean, focused, and easy to read. Test your email signature (like we do at SigSuite and Email Signature Rescue) on different devices and email clients to ensure it displays properly and maintains its professional appearance across platforms.


What are the pros and cons of using HTML email signature software over DIY?

Using HTML email signature software has several pros and cons compared to creating your own email signature from scratch (DIY). Here are some factors to consider:

Pros of using HTML email signature software:

Ease of Use

Email signature software typically provides user-friendly interfaces and templates, making it easy for individuals without coding knowledge to create professional-looking email signatures.


Software ensures consistent formatting and design across different devices and email clients. This can save time and effort in maintaining a consistent signature appearance.


Email signature software like Email Signature Rescue, takes into account the compatibility issues with various email clients, ensuring that your signature displays correctly across different platforms.

HTML email signature template for nutritionist

Image source: Email Signature Rescue


Using software can save time compared to designing and coding an email signature from scratch. Templates and pre-built options are available, allowing you to customize and personalize your signature quickly.

Features and Customization

Email signature software may offer additional features, such as social media icons, banners, promotional links, or the ability to embed dynamic content. These features can enhance your signature and improve engagement.

Cons of using HTML email signature software:

Limited Flexibility

While software provides templates and customization options, it may still have limitations in terms of design flexibility compared to creating a custom signature from scratch.

Branding Constraints

Software templates may not fully align with your brand guidelines or desired visual identity. Customizing templates to match your exact branding might be challenging.


Some email signature software solutions require a subscription or payment for advanced features or to remove branding from the signature. This cost might not be desirable for everyone, especially if budget constraints exist.

Learning Curve

While many email signature software tools are user-friendly, there can still be a learning curve involved in using a new software platform. Familiarizing yourself with the software and its features may take some time.

Dependency on the Software

Using email signature software means relying on the availability and support of the software provider. If the software becomes unavailable or if the provider discontinues the service, it may affect the continuity of your email signatures.

Ultimately, the choice between using HTML email signature software and DIY depends on your specific needs, preferences, and skill level. Consider factors like design requirements, customization needs, time constraints, and budget when deciding which approach to take.


Why shouldn't I use Google fonts or other third party fonts in my HTML email signature?

Using Google Fonts in HTML email signatures can be challenging due to several reasons:

Email Client Support

Email clients are diverse, and not all of them support the use of external web fonts like Google Fonts. Popular email clients such as Microsoft Outlook, Apple Mail, and Gmail often restrict external font loading for security and privacy reasons. As a result, the email client will default to its default font or fall back to a web-safe font, which may not match your desired design.

Security Restrictions

Email clients often disable external resource loading, including fonts, to prevent potential security risks. By blocking external font loading, email clients can mitigate the risk of malicious code or tracking embedded within the font files.

Rendering Inconsistencies

Even if an email client supports external web fonts, rendering can still be inconsistent across various devices and platforms. Email clients may interpret CSS differently, resulting in font display discrepancies. This inconsistency can negatively impact the visual integrity of your email signature.

Accessibility Concerns

Accessibility is crucial in email communication. Using custom web fonts might hinder accessibility for individuals with visual impairments who rely on assistive technologies. These technologies may not be able to parse and read the custom fonts, affecting the overall accessibility of your email.

Considering these challenges, it is recommended to stick with web-safe fonts or system fonts in HTML email signatures. Web-safe fonts are universally available on most devices and email clients, ensuring consistent and reliable rendering. By opting for web-safe fonts, you can maintain a consistent visual appearance across various email clients and enhance the overall accessibility of your email signature.


Why might my HTML email signature display differently across different email clients?

The rendering of HTML code can vary depending on the email client's capabilities and limitations. Here are a few factors to consider regarding the compatibility of HTML email signatures across different email clients:

HTML and CSS Support

Email clients have varying levels of support for HTML and CSS. Some email clients, like Gmail and Outlook, have stricter limitations and may not fully support certain HTML and CSS features. It's important to be mindful of these limitations when designing your email signature to ensure it displays properly across different clients.

Mobile Responsiveness

Email signatures should be designed to be mobile-friendly and responsive. Since email clients are accessed on various devices with different screen sizes, it's crucial to ensure that your email signature adapts and displays correctly on mobile devices. Testing your email signature on different mobile devices and email apps is recommended.

Images and External Content

Some email clients may block images or external content by default. This means that if your email signature relies heavily on images, they may not be displayed automatically for recipients. To mitigate this, it's a good practice to include alt text for images and provide a proper fallback with relevant information in case images are blocked.

Plain Text Rendering

While HTML email signatures can enhance the visual appeal of your emails, it's important to note that some email clients may only render the plain text version of your email. This means that recipients using those email clients will not see the HTML formatting or any images in your signature.

To ensure better compatibility across different email clients, follow these best practices:

  • Keep your design simple and avoid complex layouts.

  • Use inline CSS and avoid external style sheets.

  • Test your email signature in popular email clients, both on desktop and mobile devices.

  • Provide alternative text for images and include necessary fallback information.

  • Consider providing a plain text version of your email signature as a fallback option.

By following these guidelines and testing your email signature across various email clients (like we do), you can increase the chances of your HTML email signature displaying correctly and consistently for most recipients.


How can I add social media icons and links to my HTML email signature?

To add social media icons and links to your HTML email signature, you can follow these steps:

Find or create social media icons

Search for social media icons online or design your own. Ensure that the icons are in a suitable image format (e.g., PNG) and have a transparent background.

HTML email signature with social media icons
HTML email signature with social media icons

Image Source: Email Signature Rescue

Host the social media icons

Upload the social media icons to a hosting platform or your website server. This will provide URLs for each icon that you can use in your HTML code.

Obtain the social media profile URLs

Determine the URLs for your social media profiles. Visit each social media platform, go to your profile, and copy the URL from the address bar.

Update the HTML code

Open your HTML email signature in a text editor or HTML editor. Locate the section where you want to insert the social media icons and links.

Insert the HTML code

Use the following HTML code as a template for each social media icon and link:

<a href="URL_TO_SOCIAL_MEDIA_PROFILE" target="_blank">
  <img src="URL_TO_SOCIAL_MEDIA_ICON" alt="Social Media Icon" width="WIDTH" height="HEIGHT">

Replace "URL_TO_SOCIAL_MEDIA_PROFILE" with the URL of your social media profile and "URL_TO_SOCIAL_MEDIA_ICON" with the URL where you hosted the corresponding social media icon. Adjust the "WIDTH" and "HEIGHT" attributes to fit your desired size.

Repeat the code for each social media icon

Copy and paste the HTML code for each social media platform you want to include in your email signature. Adjust the URLs and icon sizes accordingly.

Save and test

Save the HTML file and open it in a web browser or email client to ensure that the social media icons are clickable and lead to the correct social media profiles.

Remember to test the email signature in various email clients to ensure the icons display correctly and the links function as intended.

If you prefer a simpler method, you can also use email signature generator tools (like Email Signature Rescue) or email signature management platforms that provide built-in options for adding social media icons and links to your email signature.


Should I include a banner in my HTML email signature design?

Including a banner in your HTML email signature design can be beneficial in certain situations, but it also comes with considerations. Here are some factors to help you decide whether to include a banner:

Pros of Including a Banner:

Branding and Visual Appeal

A banner can reinforce your brand identity and make your email signature visually appealing. It provides an opportunity to showcase your company logo, tagline, or a visually engaging image that aligns with your brand.

Marketing and Promotions

A banner can be used to promote specific products, services, events, or offers. It can serve as a subtle marketing tool, creating awareness and generating interest among recipients.

Email signature template with banner
Email signature template with banner

Image source: Email Signature Rescue

CTA and Engagement

You can include a call-to-action (CTA) within the banner to encourage recipients to visit a particular webpage, subscribe to a newsletter, or take another desired action. This can drive engagement and increase the chances of recipients interacting with your brand.

Cons of Including a Banner:

Email Client Compatibility

Not all email clients and devices display HTML email signatures in the same way. Some email clients may not support or properly render banners, resulting in a less-than-optimal appearance or even causing the banner to be blocked.

File Size and Load Times

Including a banner can increase the overall file size of your email signature. This can impact loading times, especially for recipients with slow internet connections or older email clients. It's essential to optimize the banner's size and compress it to ensure efficient delivery.

Clutter and Visual Distraction

If the banner is too large or visually overwhelming, it may distract from the essential information in your email signature. It's crucial to strike a balance between the banner's visual impact and the overall readability and clarity of your signature.


Relevance and Context

Ensure that the banner aligns with the purpose and content of your emails. If you primarily send professional or formal emails, a subtle and professional banner may be more appropriate. For personal or casual emails, a banner can be more relaxed or expressive.

Mobile Responsiveness

Make sure the banner is responsive and adapts well to different screen sizes, including mobile devices. Test the signature across various devices and email clients to ensure the banner maintains its appearance and does not hinder readability.

Aesthetics and Branding Consistency

If you decide to include a banner, ensure that it complements the overall design and branding of your email signature. Use consistent colors, fonts, and styling that align with your brand guidelines.

Ultimately, the decision to include a banner in your HTML email signature design depends on your brand, audience, and goals. Evaluate the pros and cons based on your specific situation, and consider the potential impact on email client compatibility, load times, and the overall user experience.


Should I include my awards and credentials in my HTML email signature?

Including awards and credentials in your HTML email signature can be a good way to showcase your achievements and establish credibility. However, it's important to consider a few factors before deciding whether to include them:


Ensure that the awards and credentials you include are relevant to the context of your email communications. If they directly relate to your profession, industry, or the purpose of your emails, they can help reinforce your expertise and build trust.

Space and Clutter

Be mindful of the overall design and layout of your email signature. Including too many awards and credentials can make the signature cluttered and overwhelming. It's generally recommended to keep your email signature concise and visually appealing, so select only the most significant or recent awards that are likely to have the most impact.

Size and Formatting

Consider the size and formatting of the awards and credentials. If they are visually appealing and can be represented as small icons or logos, they can be a great addition to your signature without taking up excessive space. Avoid including lengthy paragraphs or text that may make the signature appear crowded.

Image source: SigSuite


Ensure that the awards and credentials you include align with your professional image. They should come from reputable sources and be widely recognized within your industry. Including too many obscure or irrelevant awards may dilute the impact and professionalism of your email signature.

Overall, including a select few relevant and prestigious awards and credentials can enhance your professional image and credibility in your email communications. Just be mindful of the overall design and make sure they complement the rest of your signature without overwhelming it.


What are the pros and cons of a HTML email signature versus a plain text signature

Using a HTML email signature or a plain text signature each has its own set of pros and cons. Let's explore them:

Pros of HTML Email Signature:

Professional Appearance

HTML signatures allow you to incorporate design elements, such as your company logo, colors, and formatting, resulting in a visually appealing and professional-looking signature.

Branding Opportunities

HTML signatures offer a chance to reinforce your brand identity and increase brand recognition through consistent branding elements.

Rich Content

HTML signatures enable the inclusion of clickable links, images, social media icons, and even promotional banners, providing more opportunities for engagement and interaction with recipients.

html email signature for CEO

Image source: Email Signature Rescue

Contact Information

HTML signatures allow for easy inclusion of your contact details, making it convenient for recipients to get in touch with you.

Tracking and Analytics

Some HTML signature tools or platforms (like Email Signature Rescue) offer tracking and analytics features, allowing you to gather insights into email open rates, link clicks, and other engagement metrics.

Cons of HTML Email Signature:

Rendering Issues

HTML signatures may not display consistently across all email clients or devices. Certain email clients may not support or properly render HTML formatting, resulting in a less-than-ideal signature appearance.

File Size and Load Times

HTML signatures, especially those with images or complex designs, can increase the file size of your emails, potentially causing slower loading times for recipients with limited internet connections or outdated email clients.

Compatibility Challenges

Different email clients have varying levels of support for HTML signatures, and the signature may not always display as intended. It's important to test and optimize the signature for compatibility across popular email clients.

Perception and Preference

Some recipients may prefer plain text signatures for their simplicity and straightforwardness. HTML signatures can be perceived as more promotional or impersonal by certain individuals or industries that prefer a minimalist approach.

Pros of Plain Text Signature


Plain text signatures are simple and straightforward, without any visual distractions. They focus solely on conveying the necessary contact information.

Universal Compatibility

Plain text signatures display consistently across all email clients, ensuring that your signature appears as intended for all recipients.


Plain text signatures have smaller file sizes compared to HTML signatures, resulting in faster loading times and efficient email delivery.


For certain industries or individuals who prefer a minimalist or no-nonsense approach, plain text signatures can convey professionalism and seriousness.

Cons of Plain Text Signature:

Limited Design and Branding

Plain text signatures lack visual design elements and branding opportunities, which can make them appear less distinctive and memorable.

Limited Engagement

Plain text signatures don't allow for clickable links or images, limiting the possibilities for recipients to engage with your brand or access additional resources.

Contact Information Only

Plain text signatures typically only provide contact details, and there is no room for additional information, certifications, or marketing messages.

In summary, the choice between a HTML email signature and a plain text signature depends on your specific needs, branding preferences, and target audience. Consider factors such as professionalism, branding opportunities, compatibility, and recipient expectations when making a decision.


Should I include a funny quote in my HTML email signature?

Including a funny quote in your email signature can be a personal choice and depends on various factors. Here are some considerations to help you decide:

Professional Context

Consider the nature of your work and the recipients of your emails. If you work in a formal or conservative industry, a funny quote may not be appropriate and could be perceived as unprofessional. However, if you work in a creative or casual environment, a lighthearted quote might be more acceptable.

Brand Image

Think about your personal or company brand image. If humor aligns with your brand personality and you want to convey a friendly and approachable vibe, a funny quote can be fitting. On the other hand, if your brand is more serious or focuses on professionalism, a humorous quote may not be in line with your desired image.

Audience Perception

Consider how your audience is likely to interpret a funny quote. While humor can create a positive and engaging experience, it's essential to be mindful of cultural differences, potential misinterpretations, and individual sensitivities. Ensure the humor is light and inclusive, avoiding anything that could be offensive or controversial.


If you choose to include a funny quote, ensure it aligns with your overall communication style. Consistency is key to maintaining a cohesive and authentic personal or brand image. The humor in your email signature should reflect your personality and be consistent with the tone of your emails and other communications.


Strike a balance between professionalism and lightheartedness. Remember that the primary purpose of an email signature is to provide essential contact information and convey professionalism. The funny quote should enhance the signature without overshadowing the critical information or distracting from the overall purpose of your emails.

Ultimately, the decision to include a funny quote in your email signature depends on your personal preferences, brand identity, and the context in which you communicate. Consider your audience, industry norms, and the potential impact on your professional image before adding humor to your email signature.

html email signature for artist

Image source: Email Signature Rescue

Here are some funny quotes ideas you can consider for your email signature:

  • "Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth!"

  • "If at first, you don't succeed, call it version 1.0."

  • "I'm not clumsy; I'm just testing the gravity."

  • "I put the 'fun' in 'dysfunctional'."

  • "Why be serious when you can be seriously funny?"

  • "Some people say I'm too indecisive, but I'm not so sure about that."

  • "Chocolate is the answer, no matter what the question is."

  • "Don't grow up, it's a trap!"

  • "My bed is my happy place; it's where all my best ideas are born."

  • "I'm not lazy, I'm just on power-saving mode."

  • "I'm not avoiding work, I'm just giving it a chance to miss me."

  • "I'm not addicted to email, I'm just in a committed relationship with my inbox."

  • "I'm not slacking off, I'm just multitasking my procrastination."

  • "I'm not clumsy, I'm just on a mission to rearrange office supplies."

  • "I'm not a superhero, but I can turn coffee into code."

  • "I'm not always sarcastic, but when I am, it's in my email signature."

  • "Coffee: because adulting is hard."

  • "I'm so good at multitasking, I can procrastinate on multiple projects at once."

  • "I promise not to forward any chain emails or cute animal videos. Okay, maybe just the cute animal videos."

Remember to choose a funny quote that resonates with your personality and aligns with the overall tone of your emails. Consider your audience, the professional context, and your brand image to ensure the humor is appropriate and well-received.


How do I code a HTML email signature?

When coding a HTML email signature, there are a few key steps to follow. Here's a general guide to help you get started:

Plan and Design

Begin by planning the layout and design of your email signature. Consider the elements you want to include, such as your name, contact information, logo, and social media icons. Sketch out a rough design to visualize how the signature will look.

HTML Structure

Open a text editor or a HTML editor of your choice. Start by creating a new HTML file. Begin with the HTML doctype declaration at the top of the file, followed by the opening and closing HTML tags.

Head Section:

Inside the HTML tags, create the head section. Within the head section, you can specify the character encoding, add CSS styles, and include any necessary meta tags.

Body Section:

In the body section, build the structure of your email signature. Use HTML elements such as tables and lists to organize the content. Tables are commonly used in email signatures to ensure proper alignment across different email clients.

Add Content:

Add the content of your email signature, such as your name, job title, contact information, logo, and social media icons. Use appropriate HTML tags and attributes to format the content and apply styles. Inline CSS is commonly used for styling HTML email signatures since not all email clients support external CSS.

Optimize for Images

If you plan to include images, make sure to optimize them for web use. Resize the images to the desired dimensions and compress them to reduce file size. Specify the image source using the appropriate HTML tag (such as <img src="image.jpg">) and include alt text for accessibility. Using software like Email Signature Rescue or SigSuite will reduce image sizes automatically for you and even includes support for retina images for devices that need it.

Apply CSS Styling:

Use inline CSS styles to apply formatting and styling to your email signature elements. This includes setting fonts, colors, alignments, margins, and padding. Keep in mind that CSS support varies among email clients, so it's best to use widely supported CSS properties and techniques.

Test and Preview:

Save the HTML file and open it in a web browser to preview the email signature. Test it across different email clients and devices to ensure proper rendering and compatibility. Make adjustments as needed to address any formatting or display issues.

Install your HTML signature

Once you are satisfied with the email signature, select the HTML code and copy it. Depending on your email client, you can paste the HTML code directly into the signature editor or import it as a HTML file.

Remember to regularly test and update your HTML email signature to ensure it maintains its professional appearance and compatibility across various email clients. Email clients update their rendering techniques constantly which can break your email signature design.


What size images should I use in my HTML email signature?

When it comes to the size of images in a HTML email signature, it's important to strike a balance between visual impact and practicality. Here are some guidelines to consider:

File Size

Keep the file size of your images as small as possible while maintaining acceptable visual quality. Large image file sizes can result in slow loading times for recipients and may cause issues with email delivery or storage limitations. Aim for file sizes that are optimized for web usage, typically in the range of a few kilobytes to a few hundred kilobytes.


Consider the dimensions of the images to ensure they fit well within the email signature without appearing too large or stretched. The specific dimensions will depend on the overall layout and design of your signature. Generally, images should be sized to fit comfortably within the width of the email signature and maintain a visually balanced appearance. A typical range could be 100-200 pixels in width for logos or icons, but it can vary based on your design preferences.

Image source: Email Signature Rescue

Retina Displays

With the increasing prevalence of high-resolution displays, such as Retina displays on Apple devices, it's a good practice to use images with higher pixel densities for better visual clarity. You can create and include versions of your images that are double the resolution (2x) to accommodate such displays. In this case, adjust the dimensions accordingly to maintain the same physical size within the signature.

Responsive Design

Since emails are often viewed on various devices and screen sizes, it's important to ensure your images are sized for all screen sizes. Most email clients don't follow CSS rules correctly, so it's important to just include the size of the images you want all recipients to see. This ensures that your email signature and images are displayed well across different devices.

Remember to test your email signature, (like we do at SigSuite and Email Signature Rescue) on different email clients, devices, and screen sizes to ensure that the images display properly and the signature looks good in various environments.


How can I keep my HTML email signature up to date and looking professional at all times?

To keep your HTML email signature up to date and looking professional, consider the following tips:

Regularly Review and Update Information

Review your email signature periodically to ensure that all the information, such as your contact details, job title, company name, and website, is accurate and up to date. Update any changes promptly to avoid displaying outdated or incorrect information.

Optimize Design and Layout

Consider the design and layout of your email signature. Keep it clean, visually appealing, and in line with your brand identity. Make sure it is well-organized and easy to read. Consider using a balanced color palette, appropriate fonts, and consistent formatting.

Use High-Quality Images

If your email signature includes images such as your company logo or headshot, ensure they are high-quality and properly optimized for the web. Images that are pixelated or too large in file size can negatively impact the appearance and loading time of your signature.

Test on Multiple Devices and Email Clients

It's crucial to test your HTML email signature on different devices (desktop, mobile, tablets) and email clients (Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, etc.). This ensures that it displays correctly and maintains its professional appearance across various platforms. Pay attention to any formatting or alignment issues that may arise and make necessary adjustments.

Follow Best Practices

Adhere to best practices for HTML email signatures. Keep the signature file size small, avoid excessive use of images or animated elements, and ensure the signature renders properly even if images are blocked. Follow standard coding practices, such as inline CSS and using HTML tables for layout, to ensure compatibility across email clients.

Consider Using an Email Signature Software Provider

Email signature software providers like Email Signature Rescue and SigSuite offer templates that are regularly updated for you, so your HTML email signature will always look great, even when email clients update their software.

Seek Feedback

Ask colleagues, friends, or clients to provide feedback on your email signature. They may spot areas for improvement or suggest tweaks that can enhance its professional appearance. SigSuite makes this super easy with the ability to share your design with up to 5 colleagues during your free trial.

By regularly reviewing and updating your email signature, optimizing its design and layout, and testing it across different platforms, you can keep it looking professional and ensure it accurately reflects your brand and current information.


What does a professional HTML email signature look like?

Professional HTML email signatures can vary in appearance based on individual preferences and branding requirements. However, here are some common characteristics and elements that can contribute to a professional-looking HTML email signature:

Clean and Organized Layout

A professional signature typically has a clean and organized layout, with elements well-spaced and visually balanced. Avoid overcrowding the signature with excessive content or too many design elements.

Logo and Branding

Incorporate your company logo in the email signature to reinforce brand recognition. Use consistent branding elements such as brand colors, fonts, and styling that align with your overall brand identity.

Contact Information

Include essential contact information, such as your full name, job title, company name, email address, phone number, and physical address (if applicable). Display the information clearly and consider using typography variations to differentiate each piece of information.

Links and Icons

Provide clickable links to your company website, blog, or social media profiles. Include professional icons for platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or other relevant networks to encourage recipients to connect and engage further.

Design Elements

Utilize design elements that enhance the visual appeal of your signature. This can include subtle background patterns or textures, simple dividers or lines, and appropriate font styles. Maintain consistency in design choices throughout the signature.

Mobile Responsiveness

Ensure your HTML email signature is responsive and adapts well to different screen sizes, including mobile devices. Optimize the design to ensure that it remains legible and visually appealing on smaller screens.

Social Proof and Credentials (if applicable)

If relevant to your profession or industry, consider including certifications, awards, or client logos to showcase your expertise and credibility. However, be cautious not to overcrowd the signature and maintain a balanced visual composition.

Call-to-Action (CTA)

Add a well-designed and clear call-to-action (CTA) that directs recipients to take a specific action, such as scheduling a meeting or visiting a particular webpage. This can encourage engagement and increase the chances of recipients taking the desired action.

Remember, a professional HTML email signature should align with your brand identity, be visually appealing without being overwhelming, and effectively convey your contact information and branding. Regularly review and update your signature to keep it up to date and in line with your professional image.


Should I include an email signature in only the first email I send to a client?

It is generally recommended to include an email signature in all your outgoing emails, not just the first email. Here are a few reasons why:


Including an email signature in every email you send helps maintain a consistent and professional image. It provides essential contact information and portrays a level of professionalism and credibility.

Contact Information

An email signature typically includes your name, title, company, phone number, and other relevant contact details. Having this information readily available in every email makes it convenient for recipients to get in touch with you.


An email signature can serve as a branding opportunity, as it often includes your company logo and relevant branding elements. Consistently displaying your brand in every email helps reinforce brand recognition and reinforces your professional identity.

Legal and Disclosure Requirements

Depending on your industry or jurisdiction, there may be legal or compliance requirements to include specific information in your email signature, such as disclaimers, confidentiality notices, or regulatory statements. Ensuring these are included in every email helps meet these obligations.

Convenience for Recipients

Including your contact information and relevant links in your email signature makes it easier for recipients to find and access your information. They don't have to search for your contact details or dig through previous emails to find your information if they need to contact you or access your website or social media profiles.

By including your email signature in all your outgoing emails, you ensure consistency, professionalism, and convenience for both you and your recipients. It creates a positive impression and facilitates effective communication.


Should I use a different HTML email signature for personal and professional emails?

It's generally recommended to use different HTML email signatures for personal and professional emails. Here are a few reasons why:

Branding and Image

Using a different email signature for personal and professional emails helps maintain a clear distinction between your personal and professional identities. A professional email signature typically includes branding elements, such as company logos and color schemes, to promote your organization's image. In contrast, a personal email signature may be more casual and reflect your personal preferences.

Image source: Email Signature Rescue

Contact Information

Professional email signatures typically include contact information relevant to your professional role, such as your company email address, phone number, and job title. These details may not be necessary or appropriate for personal email communication. A personal email signature may only need to include your name or a simple sign-off.

Consistency and Clarity

Having separate email signatures for personal and professional use helps maintain consistency and clarity in your communications. It ensures that recipients receive the appropriate contact details and information based on the context of the email.

Privacy and Security

Using different email signatures for personal and professional emails can help maintain privacy and security. By separating personal and professional contact information, you can control the disclosure of personal details in professional communications and vice versa.

That said, the decision ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you prefer to keep a unified email signature across all your emails, you can create a single signature that strikes a balance between personal and professional elements. Just ensure that the signature remains appropriate and aligned with the nature of each email you send.


List of HTML email signature software providers

There are several email signature software providers available in the market. Here are some popular ones:

SigSuite (coming in Dec 2023)




Crossware Mail Signature

CodeTwo Email Signatures



These providers offer various features and functionalities to create, manage, and deploy professional email signatures across different email clients and devices. It's important to evaluate each provider based on your specific needs, budget, and integration requirements before selecting the most suitable option for your organization.

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